Get to know Julieta

Who is Julieta Piox

Julieta Piox is a Leadership Coach and Speaker with over 25 years of leadership experience in growing and building individuals and teams. Julieta has helped women achieve their personal and business goals through intentional growth methods. Julieta is a certified, independent speaker and coach on the John Maxwell Leadership Team. She has been speaking to groups of all sizes and brings relevant messages that inspire to take action.

One of Julieta's passions is to empower women and children and gets to do it in both English and Spanish. She provides training for leaders and is active in her own community through her nonprofit for Latino youth. Julieta serves as the executive board vice-president for TeamWomen, a women's leadership organization for women in Minneapolis, MN.

Together with her husband David, Julieta, they love to give back to their community through their church and enjoy spending time with their two adult daughters; Itzelle and Kelsey. Julieta loves spending time at the lake in the summertime, quiet time with a good leadership book and eating out at a nice restaurant.